Pricing differs from situation to situation but there is a base start of 400 US dollars to get the ball rolling. Contact me with your specifics, your questions and/or concerns and ideas you might have for the moments you are wanting captured.
I want the end result to feel worth it, with that being said, I don't limit the amount of time given to any client, I don't strain the photos or limit how many the client receives and I don't hide any fees like traveling expenses or the cost of electricity used to charge my camera. Nope. The price will be set and done so in a detailed fashion which the client and myself with have in documented proof.
In the 'People Package' you will receive a USB Drive with the original RAW photos, photoshop files, large JPEG files, JPEG files specifically used for the internet (like Facebook, Twitter, ect.) and TIFF files (used for printing). I will also have a copy of the given files incase anything ever where to go wrong or you are needed something changed or reworked. You are paying for a services and I aim to please above and beyond.