It is May and the day was labeled the 19th with great weather to accompany the title. Ashley and I had seen the signs glowing on the roadside, yelling silently about the fair in town which, we had never been to one before. Not one together, not one in this town and not one with out little one. We completed the daily tasks and wheeled our family of four, Ashley, Louise, mum Peggy and myself, to the fair about 10 minutes down the road. I was unsuccessful sneaking in but due to my wife’s better judgment, it was probably for the best. We paid the green stuff and got our tickets into Simpsonville’s fair! On the list of things to do was get Louise on as many things as we could - this was not easy. It makes sense that there is not much designed for little humans, especially ones of the proportions in the 6-12 months range. Nonetheless, we tried and were right to do so! We found ourselves at the carousel. Ashley gave the gatekeeper 3 tickets and they were off - my heart started to pace a unknown mileage. Beats of hard thumps crash into my chest. It was not the thought of anything that could happen, it was the thought that it is happening. For the first time, amongst the many others on this day, I had the panic attack that most dads must experience - moms too, parents of all! It was a thing then, at that very moment and now I know it will be a thing that will come! I laugh at the matter now and share this joyful time but, oh folks, was it a kicker. The fair was a lovely dance of sounds, lights and food. Louise was not bothered by the spinning wheel of soft death and Ashley can ride a mean stallion. I ate oddly, thinly sliced potatoes and topped them with volcanic cheese, oh yes. Husband and wife raced down a giant kids slide and husband came out victorious! Bumper cars was in the mix, yes, yes, yes and what a hit that was. It was a day that can not be forgotten. Thank you for sharing the love, my loves.