Work has been shut down for a couple of moons now and the world has gone into this panic. The new way of living involves masks over ones mouth and a 6-foot difference in breathing space. The cause of this spatial distancing and cleanliness awareness is the 2020 pandemic known as COVID-19. I never would have thunk I would be a part of a massive society killer; a situation that attacks your respiratory system and the economy of the world. This is something you dream of on a Monday night whilst the moon lives high in the sky. The land around you shattering like glass hitting the ground and everyone running around, headless, selfless and in control of what they think they can control. It is absolutely nightmarish. Still, some of us are good at adapting and some of us are great at accepting the situation at hand, remembering it is not about our will being done, rather the choices we make in the story that is unfinished. I could go on so I will get to the point if there is one and if there is one it is this! We are home. I am home. I worked so many nights, sleeping the day away to prepare for the next shift and the next shift after that. The circumstance is terrible but I cannot help but find the good in this ripple. I am able to see my family more than I ever could, practice the art of family and communication and take advantage of the small economic world around us. It has been nice. It has been really nice. The streets are [mostly] empty and it does not feel bad filling them with our pitter-patterery of footsteps.